Is Escape From Gringotts Scary? Everything You Need to Know.

We love the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort! There is only one problem – I can get anxious before going on rides, especially ones I have never been on before. I found that researching the rides beforehand to prepare myself can help. If that sounds like you too, then I hope you will find this guide helpful! So is Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts scary?

Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts

Universal Orlando Resort consists of two large theme parks and a water park. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter spans both theme parks – Universal Studios and Universal’s Island of Adventure. You’ll find Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts in Universal Studios, which means you’ll need a ticket for the Universal Studios park or a 2-park ticket.

Top Tip: If you want to visit all of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, you will need a 2-park ticket. This ticket allows you to travel on Hogwart’s Express between both parks. You won’t be able to ride the Hogwarts Express without it!

Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts is the only Harry Potter ride in Universal Studios – the rest are in Hogsmeade in Universal’s Island of Adventure. Gringotts is nestled amongst the colourful shops and cobbled streets of Diagon Alley. It’s pretty easy to spot – look for the fire-breathing dragon on top of Gringotts Bank!

Is Escape from Gringotts Scary? A look at the Universal Orlando Resort ride.
Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts in Diagon Alley at Universal Studios Orlando.

The thing I hate most about this ride comes before you even step foot in Gringotts Bank. Lockers! You have to put all your belongings into one before you ride. If it’s quiet, then it’s a quick and straightforward task. But if you don’t like small spaces or crowds of people, it can be a nightmare when it’s busy. On a positive note, the lockers are free for the duration of your ride!

The Elevator to the Vaults

Before you get to the ride itself, you make your way through Gringott’s bank. There are plenty of little details to see as you make your way down to the vaults – it makes queuing a little less boring!

Once you’ve made your way through the offices, you reach the elevator (or lift – Harry Potter is British after all!). It’s time to go deep beneath the surface of the Earth to get to the Gringott vaults. If you have a fear of elevators, don’t worry – it isn’t real. The elevator does not move; you stay stationary the entire time.

As you wait for the elevator, a Gringotts goblin warns you about the upcoming ride. He states that the ride is “not for everyone” and describes it as a “high-speed roller coaster ride with sudden and dramatic acceleration, climbing, stopping and diving. Even some of the magical community find the ride a bit challenging”. The first time I rode this ride, I was unsure what to expect, and hearing this made me even more scared! So if you’re anything like me, be prepared to hear about how scary it is before you get there!

The elevator ride is part of the immersive experience, something this ride does very well. Its purpose is to give the idea that you’re travelling downwards, deep below ground, to the cavernous vaults where you will board the minecarts. It does this with a few special effects. There are screens at the top of the elevator walls that give the appearance that you are descending. If you’ve been on The Haunted Mansion at Magic Kingdom, it’s like that, but with a few extra bells and whistles. There are shaking floors, sound effects, and a soft wind that makes it feel like you’re really moving. It’s actually pretty cool!

The main issue will be if you get claustrophobic. In my experience, the elevator is never overcrowded, and it’s an enjoyable way to spend some of your queue time. I’m not a fan of how they cramp everyone in the elevator in The Haunted Mansion, but personally, I never experienced this in Gringotts.

If you don’t mind spoilers, here’s a video of the elevator ride so you know what to expect.

Is Escape from Gringotts a roller coaster?

Technically, yes. The ride is an indoor steel roller coaster. However, it’s not like a traditional roller coaster. The ride uses 3D technology and large screens to create an immersive experience.

Rather than the usual roller coaster dips and turns, the ride uses the track to take you from one screen to another. It’s a smooth ride, and aside from the first drop (see below), there are no other parts that give you that dropping feeling in your stomach.

Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts Drop

When it comes to rides, one of my biggest fear is the drops. I just don’t enjoy that feeling you get in your stomach when you’re falling.

There is one drop on the Escape from Gringotts ride, and it’s at the very beginning. Once you’re seated, the cart moves along the track and takes you away from the area where you boarded. The minecart then stops, and the steel track tilts at approximately a 45-degree angle. It holds you there, facing downwards into a deep black hole where the rollercoaster track disappears. As you can guess, this can be pretty intimidating! It builds up the suspense as you don’t know when you’re going to drop.

So how high is the drop? Universal doesn’t give specific measurements, but most people estimate it’s around 20-30ft. As the cart is already tilted, gravity does its thing, and the drop is over pretty quickly. Personally, it’s my least favourite bit, but as far as drops go, it’s not too high or too steep. When I rode at the front, I could see the bottom of the drop (even in the darkness), and it didn’t actually look that high.

As someone who’s not a fan of rollercoaster drops, I still ride every time because not only is the rest of the ride worth it, but it’s bearable. By the time you get that dropping sensation in your stomach, it’s over.

Tip: If you sit at the front of the cart, the drop isn’t as high as it is from the back!

I found a video on YouTube of the ride with the lights on and lightened the image up so you can see the drop. As you can see, it’s not that high! I’ve also added the video below.

Is Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts scary? A look at the drop.
A look at the drop.
Illumascottie (YouTube)

The drop is tame compared to other rides in Universal Orlando – it isn’t as steep or high as some of the other rollercoasters. The other good thing for nervous riders is that this is the only drop. Once it’s over, you can relax and enjoy the experience!

So is Escape From Gringotts scary? If you want to see for yourself, you can watch the full lights on video below. To see the drop only, skip to 20 seconds.

There is one more thing – there is a simulated drop. Your cart is still, but the screens make it look like you’re free-falling downwards. This kind of thing doesn’t bother me because I know it’s not real – if you close your eyes, you wouldn’t notice! If you’ve been on the Spiderman ride, it’s a bit like the part where you fall from the top of a building, which also uses screens.

Does the Escape From Gringotts ride spin?

The ride does spin at times, but it’s not too intense. I’m not a fan of spinning, as I sometimes get motion sickness, but I had no problem on Gringotts. It’s not too fast, and it isn’t a constant spinning. The minecarts are also so large you don’t feel it as much. It’s not as bad as the Men in Black ride, for example.

Does Escape From Gringotts Cause Motion Sickness?

To create the 3D experience, you will pick up a pair of 3D glasses on your way to the cart. I know some people can get motion sickness with simulator-type rides, so this is likely where motion sickness will come in.

The ride uses screens to create movement, but I don’t think it’s as bad as some of the other rides at Universal Orlando Resort that also use the same technology. Everyone is different, but personally, I’ve never had a problem with this particular ride.

Another thing to remember is the occasional spinning we talked about above!

Does the Rollercoaster go Upside Down?

Nope! Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts doesn’t go upside down or have any loops.

Is the Ride Suitable for Children?

If you have children who want to ride Escape From Gringotts, the height restriction is 107cm. Due to the immersive nature of the rollercoaster, some children may find the content scary. You will face characters such as Voldermort, Nagini and Bellatrix on screen in 3D and there’s a sense of danger created throughout the story.

The ride is also a dark ride and it’s extremely dark as you travel from screen to screen.

Is Escape From Gringotts Scary?

The answer to this will vary from person to person. For me, it’s one of my favourite rides. I don’t go on any of the bigger rides at Universal – I would love to go on Jurassic Park River Adventure, but the drop scares me! I’d say Escape from Gringotts is one of the least scary rides in the park especially when comparing it to other rollercoasters.

The main thing for me is the drop at the beginning. Even then, the drop is manageable, and it isn’t that big – by the time you get that “I can’t do this” feeling, it’s over.

Even if you’re not a Harry Potter fan, the ride is a great experience. It’s one of the main reasons I visit Universal when I go to Orlando!

What do you think? Is Escape From Gringotts scary? Post your experiences in the comments below!

Check out my other guides for rides in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter for anxious riders:

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